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going, going, gone

Category: My greenhouse, high tunnel and garden project | Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:47 am

Saturday was a busy day. We signed up to participate in the Herbfest on the square in town. This happens on the third weekend of may every year in town and usually the weather is not real nice, but we got a "winner" day. It started out wet, foggy, drizzling, kind of a blah morning. By 9:00am it had quit raining and I had 3 van loads of plants set up on the tables ready and waiting for spring gardeners to come out and stroll through town to see everything that was being offered by various vendors. You could purchase food, crafts, tupperware, candles, plants, yard ornaments, and lots more.
By the end of the day we had sold tomatoes, pansy baskets, herbs (lots of them), hanging baskets, petunias, peppers and a few more things. All of which I was very glad to send on their way. Not that I don't want to water or feed them, but my goal is to be a stay at home mom(and feed and water my children, as needed). I can't do that if I'm not here So hopefully we will get some more nice weather and be able to sell more of all the plants I've grown this spring.
All of the gardeners and the farmers are getting very anxious to get their seeds in the soil and see some growth as the sunshines a little and warms up the ground.
Now my weekend is over and I am tired, so I'll say goodnight and thanks for stopping by to see what was going on here. Talk to you again soon, Carolyn
PS... I forgot to mention that by the time I got home to unload what was left, it had started raining... again. So I'm thanking God that we had such a nice day, but I'm still wishing i could send all this extra wet stuff down to cheryl and dooley and toni and all the other people who need it more than us.

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Droopy wrote on Mon May 16, 2011 4:36 am:

Sounds like you did well. :D If you ever find out how to send rainy weather, please let me know. I've usually got more than enough rain.


eileen wrote on Mon May 16, 2011 9:09 am:

Carolyn the Herbfest sounds as though it was a great success. I would love to have been there browsing all the stalls. I'm glad you managed to sell so much and that the weather held good for you.


Sjoerd wrote on Mon May 16, 2011 10:36 am:

Sounds a nice day. I like going to the sorts of things in which you have participated. They are always fun in many ways--you get to talk to strangers, visit with friends and in your case sell some things.
That the weather worked with you was a real bonus.
Congrats on a day well-spent.....and enjoyed.

carolyn keiper wrote on Mon May 16, 2011 11:24 am:

Thanks everyone. I did have fun and it was successful. I enjoy seeing and talking to the people who are interested in growing things.


Jerry Sullivan wrote on Mon May 16, 2011 12:06 pm:

Herbfest is a good name for a start of the new season event. Glad you had a day that cooperated.


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