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Roses and Beans, etc

Category: Garden Highlights | Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:44 am

At the back of my house on the east-facing side I have four vegetable plots, each about five foot by nine and edged with old bricks. Beyond that is a small greenhouse, six foot by eight. This is enough to allow me to grow interesting vegetables (and some flowers) that can't be bought at the supermarket.

For example, this year I have four varieties of climbing bean, asparagus peas, five varieties of tomatoes, land cress, Sunburst squash, Jerusalem artichokes, physalis 'Golden Berry', and Royal Sovereign strawberries. A calendula or tagetes at each corner and one midway down the long side of each bed makes them look a bit more like a potager.

Between the house and the vegetable plots I've just put a small terrace after clearing a mound that obviously used to be a midden, dating to the 1930's judging by the old jars and stuff I found in it. The terrace is intended for breakfast during the summer, and we decided a rose growing up the wall behind it would be nice. We eventually settled on 'Teasing Georgia'.

I put a trellis on the wall, about six foot high and eight foot wide, which is the size Georgia is alleged to reach in a few years. As you can see, she has quite a way to go!

Teasing Georgia ( photo / image / picture from OrangeKing's Garden )

Her first bud opened yesterday, and looked like this:

Teasing Georgia in bud ( photo / image / picture from OrangeKing's Garden )

This morning it had opened fully, and looked really beautiful:

Teasing Georgia bloom ( photo / image / picture from OrangeKing's Garden )

I have a grape in the greenhouse, together with some chillies (Bulgarian Carrot and Tabasco), more physalis, and lettuce.

I discovered this lettuce last year (sold by Oxfam!) and could not resist the name.

Lettuce 'Drunken Woman' ( photo / image / picture from OrangeKing's Garden )

It is called 'Drunken Woman'! Apparently it is an Italian heirloom variety. The colours are really only pale green edged with red; the lighter patches in the photo are sunlight filtered through plants outside the greenhouse.

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