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Miss Liberty
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Recent Entries to this Blog The Day, Frustrations, and Little Discoveries
Posted: 10 Jun 2012
"We're growing Libbys."
Posted: 02 Jun 2012
Let the planting begin
Posted: 22 May 2012
Where have I been? I've been in Busyland.
Posted: 30 Dec 2011
Starting to lose my garden
Posted: 07 Sep 2011

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The Day, Frustrations, and Little Discoveries

Category: Liberty's "Victory" Garden | Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:21 am

This is only my second year of gardening. Before last year the only thing I grew with some semi success was a bean sprout in first grade. So my greenthumb is still very pale compared to many of you very experienced gardeners. And while I learned a LOT last year, I still have a long ways to go.

I spent most of this morning in the garden. I had some extra space to fill and some weeding to do. My best friend, Mally, and I hit the nursery early this morning and I picked up some green beans and two more tomato plants. I'll admit it, I'm not a real big fan of green beans. Now that I'm an adult I just plain don't eat them. But my hubby likes them.

While I overlooked my garden after four hours of weeding, planting, and watering, I felt some diametrically opposed emotions. My pickling cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini, pumpkins, and slicing cucumbers are coming up great. The tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and eggplants I planted seem to be doing just fine. But where's my acorn squash? Why aren't my parsnips doing anything? Shouldn't my beets be up by now? And of five rows of okra I planted only one is growing. Where's the rest? Aaarrrgghh!!

Patience, Libby, patience.

I finished everything I had to do early on, before it got too hot. After taking a shower (it was very hot today), making a run to the grocery store, and having dinner with Luke and Mally, I came home in the late evening and decided to go survey my garden before it got too dark. What did I discover? Four neat little rows of beet tops that definitely weren't there this morning.

Patience, Libby, patience.

Yes, I want everything I planted to poke through in a week. I know that's not always going to happen. I also know that sometimes failures occur. The conditions may just not be right for something to grow.

And I know that sometimes patience actually pays off.

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eileen wrote on Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:49 am:

I love your enthusiasm Libby and I know just how you feel waiting for the first signs of new life. Over the years I've learned that it doesn't get any better though as I still worry until the those seedlings sprout.

Donna S wrote on Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:11 am:

Know the feeling well.


Kay wrote on Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:06 pm:

I think your garden loves you.

Barb T wrote on Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:52 pm:

All I did this year was tomatoes so you are way ahead of me. Your garden is listening to you!


Netty wrote on Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:19 am:

I'm the same way Libby! I'm still waiting for my parsnips to sprout ... gosh those things are SLOW!

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