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Water, water, everywhere!

Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:20 pm

On Jan 2nd my honey's family had their Christmas tree hopping party. No we don't hope over the trees-heee,hee, hee. We visit each other homes and have a progressive dinner. Because he has so many brothers and sisters we usually do 4 homes one year and then 4 more the next.
I was in charge of making the salad. Of course I over did it and made 3 salads instead of just one yummy one. Well the crab salad turned out to be very yummy. But the other 2 were flops. Never serve a salad recipe you haven't tried first.
Oh well. After the last home where dessert was on the menu. We headed home and walked in the door around 8:15 pm. I then went and used the toilet. Excuse me for mentioning that. But this is where the above mentioned water came from. Before I used the toilet I had noticed that someone had not flushed the toilet. I do not make it a habit of looking into the toilet to see what might still be in there. Anyway I did what I came to do and flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and left the room.
My honey and I watched a little TV and decided to go to bed around 9:00pm. I figured I better let our little dog out to go pee one more time. As I walked past the hall leading to the bathroom I could hear water running. I thought maybe I had left the faucet on after I washed my hands. So I headed to the bathroom to turn it off. OMG it wasn't the faucet running it was water pouring out of the toilet and on to the floor. It had been running onto the floor for over 20 minutes. I didn't know what to do first. So I giggled the toilet handle because usually when ones toilet is running the thingy in side has not sealed so giggling the handle stops the water. NOT SO in this case. It started to run out of the toilet even faster. YIKES! So my ightening fast mind said hey just turn the water off at the wall. I did and was left standing there in my soggy socks in about an inch of water on the end of the bathroom where the toilet was.
I had yelled for my honey who was standing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open not sure what to do. So I started grabbing bath towels out of the linen closet and throwing them on the water to soak it up. As I was getting the water soaked up my honey decided to go down to the family room and see if the water had run threw to that room. Well sure enough.
He came back up and said that he had put a large cooler under the dripping water to catch it which was now coming threw the suspended ceiling. I thought I better go take a look. YIKES! The carpet was all wet in that area and the title that was leaking looked like it would come crashing down any minute with the big bulge it had in it's middle. My honey said-oh it will be ok until morning. I knew better and went to get something to stand on so I could poke a hole in the center of the wet bulging ceiling tile. It was like opening a faucet as the water poured out into the cooler. I just gave my honey one of those you have got to be kidding me looks. Seeing he wanted to leave the mess until morning. So after the water stopped running out of the hole in the tile. We removed it, soaked up as much water as we could from the carpet and dragged ourselves off to bed a 10:00pm.
I am so thankful we where home and it didn't happen when we would have be gone for over 3 hrs. That would have really been quite the situation then. I shutter to think of it. So now it is all back to normal with a few new ceiling tiles installed. We may be getting a new toilet as it has given us trouble with not flushing correctly before. Hope my rambling wasn't to long winded. Makes me tired just thinking about it. I think I will go and take a nap. Bye for now.

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eileen wrote on Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:17 pm:

Oh boy you were sooo lucky to get home when you did!! I hope you have no more trouble with the toilet now as there is nothing worse than having water pouring everywhere.
Do you know what caused it to overflow the way it did by any chance?
I think a new toilet is a great idea and maybe get the piping checked at the same time just to be on the safe side.


Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:23 am:

Oh dear, oh dear.....

What a drama, and what a disaster it COULD have been.

Good thinking andf quick action.... Congrats.

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