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Finally some normalcy-I hope!
Posted: 31 Jul 2014 Posted: 31 Jul 2014 Posted: 25 May 2014 Posted: 22 Apr 2014 Posted: 26 Jan 2014 All Entries |
I GIVE UP!Just a note to let you know that my Mom is doing great and is living here with us. I am thinking of GIVING UP on feeding the birds. I bought feeders this year that I can clean with bleach to keep the Salmonella bacteria in check. All summer things where going great. Then 3wks ago I noticed sick looking finch's at the feeders. I just hate it and am not sure why the House Finch's seem to be the ones who show the first signs being sick. Then they spread it to the other finch's and small birds. I am soooo frustrated as it has returned and the house finch's are dying off weekly. So I took my hanging feeders down AGAIN! I will clean them with straight bleach and let that dry and then hang them back out in 3 wks. Last winter was really bad with finch's getting sick and dying. I even had a red poll and white winged cross bill die. I just may resort to feeding on the ground only. It really makes me sad to see those little feathered friends getting sick. This blog entry has been viewed 332 times
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Well, to begin with I want to say that I take my hat off to you for showing an incredible amount of bravery and will power in taking this step, while I am sure that you would rather continue feeding the birds throughout the winter and other seasons. It takes self discipline to do this.
I know how you feel. I gave up feeding the birds except for the coldest/snowy part of winter and then I rotate the spots on the ground around the yard.
Thank you for the encouraging words.
Tooty--Let us know the results if you do take the birds in to be analyzed. It is so sad to see them afflicted this way.
Cayuga it really is. Because they actually starve to death because they get such bad diarrhea.
What a good idea 2T. I sure would be interested in hearing any results that you may get from this.
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