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Plant collecting vs. garden design

Category: Perennial gardening | Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:13 pm

So...I have been a gardener for years. I find it relaxing and nourishing of my soul. I so enjoy starting and ending my day with a tour of the garden.

One thing I continue to struggle with is curbing my plant collecting impulses! I will buy or accept a new perennial because I love the look of it, without regard to where I will put it or if I actually can use it. I can become interested in a certain plant, then be attracted to all its various relatives...My garden ends up looking like a hodgepodge as a result.

One of the ways I have learned to curb this impulse is to take photos of my garden. There is something about seeing my garden through the lens of a camera that helps me pay attention to the design aspects. And, when I do, I enjoy my garden so much more....

Last edited: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:08 pm

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carolyn keiper wrote on Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:09 pm:

Does this help to cull out what makes it so hodge podge or do you move things to different areas so you can still see it, but it is not necessarily a visually appealing aspect of your garden, but you like it(the plant) anyway?

Cayuga Morning wrote on Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:35 pm:

Thanks for reading my blog! I have never done one before.
Anyway, yes the photos help me to harden my heart and pull out what doesn't fit. Some plants I find other places for, some go in my 'holding tank' some I give away. Can you relate? Do you have this issue too?


Frank wrote on Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:30 pm:

Interesting to hear that taking photos of your garden helps you to see it from a different light.
I've subscribed to your blog and look forward to reading it.

Cayuga Morning wrote on Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:35 pm:


carolyn keiper wrote on Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:49 pm:

Cayuga Morning, I can relate, but I had to learn it because I worked for someone else who taught me how to do so and when you see the end result is much better than the beginning it gets easier every time you must prune/weed out what doesn't fit you space or criteria for the bed. I can easily cut down or prune hard almost all of my plants. I had a ninebark that was beautiful, but did not really know what to do with it.... I happened to catch a radio program one morning and the gardener made the comment you can cut them back 1/3 to 1/2.... I cut mine back by 3/4 knowing how fast it got to the point it was. I wasn't in the least bit distressed to do so. and maybe this fall I will have my husband bring me the mini excavator....just to move it.
A picture is worth a thousand LOOKS,by the way. There is so much you miss when you can't see it all at the same time.


Kay wrote on Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:58 pm:

I too can relate. One thing I have realized is that my gardens will never be "done". Constantly changing and being rearranged according to Mother Nature's plans.

Reeseewi wrote on Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:18 pm:

Am always repotting or replanting things I already have growing that come up from seed or roots right now playing around with a daisy that I replanted in spring I added compost to the dirt because I had no good dirt to put there . Hope it grows okay.

Cayuga Morning wrote on Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:37 pm:

Kay & Reeseewi, Yes it is fun to rearrange things as plants get bigger, self sow,etc. Sometimes when they self sow you get different colors cropping up. I had a pink malva that now has white cousins and a gold rudbeckia that now has a pale yellow volunteer!

treehugger wrote on Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:17 pm:

I always have problems between the want to have plants and the ones I really need. LOL,,,,, My husband just has given up and carries for me.

Cayuga Morning wrote on Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:44 am:

Treehugger, yeah that plant itch is tough....


SongofJoy57 wrote on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:05 am:

I also love to walk through my garden . . . especially in the early morning hours.

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