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First Friday in late Summer Downunder

Category: My Dry Tropics Garden | Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:47 pm

February is supposedly our last month of Summer, although there's little change even when March rolls around. At the moment it's hot and humid.

Summertime rain ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

We've had some lovely rain during the month of January and even in this first week of February, but it's been intermittent and not up to the usual wet season standards. Still, can't complain. The garden has needed some of that liquid sunshine after the usual long dry season last year.

I'm just sharing some of the lovely blooms that are out there around the garden this first Friday of February.

Citharexylum spinosa, commonly known as Fiddlewood ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Citharexylum spinosa, commonly known as Fiddlewood has the most beautiful perfume.

Hibiscus schizopetalus ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Dwarf Ixora chinensis 'Peggy'. ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Lagerstroemia indica, or Crepe Myrtle ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Mandevilla 'White Fantasy' ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Galphimia glauca with its wonderful red stems ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Galphimia glauca with its wonderful red stems.

Sometimes the Galphimia is referred to as the Gold Shower bush ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Sometimes the Galphimia is referred to as the Gold Shower bush.

Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose' ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Summertime is the time for Mussaendas to put on a show. This is Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose'.

Allamanda cathartica 'Sunee' ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Pseudomussaenda flava, commonly called White Wings. ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Gardenia 'Soleil d'or' ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

There's been some lovely perfume around the garden in the last couple of weeks. The fabulous Gardenia 'Soleil d'or', picture above, has filled the air with such a gorgeous perfume. It's been flowering for a few weeks now.

Jasminum officinale ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

My Jasminum officinale has begun another blooming cycle and adding to the perfumed air.

Hedychium coronarium ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Hedychium coronarium, or White Butterfly Ginger, adds an amazing aroma.

Murraya paniculata ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

The Murrayas have also added a stunning perfume to the early morning breeze and evening air.

Not only have I been treated to perfume in the garden, but I've also been witness to some fabulous forms and shapes in blooms as they mature.

Hymenocallis ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

This Hymenocallis, or Spider Lily, begins a blooming cycle with this fantastic shape where the petal ends are all joined at their tips. Slowly the ends fall away,

Hymenocallis ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

and the flower opens like this. It's simply amazing watching this happen.

Then there is the form of the brilliant Gloriosa Lily flowers as they open up.

Gloriosa superba ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

Gloriosa superba ( photo / image / picture from Bernieh's Garden )

The petals turn themselves upside down to create this wonderful spectacle. I just love these blooms.

So that's a quick look at what's going on around here at the beginning of February.

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Cayuga Morning wrote on Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:31 am:

Pretty amazing Bernieh! Your flowers 'down under' are so unusual to my Northern eyes. a scarce few I recognize as temperamental houseplants up here. Thanks for your tour.


Bernieh wrote on Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:43 am:

You're most welcome, Cayuga. There are quite a few lovely tropical blooms out right now. They perk up considerably once the rain arrives after a long dry season.


Jewell wrote on Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:59 am:

Such a tropical paradise you have Bernieh. I always love seeing your posts. Very exotic compared to my temperate region. Thank you for taking the time to share your gems.


Frank wrote on Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:04 am:

So beautiful Bernie. Thanks for providing us with such a splash of colour when it is so badly needed!


Bernieh wrote on Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:48 am:

Glad you enjoyed the photos Jewell and Frank. There's always some colour here and I supposed I take it for granted a lot of the time.

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