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The Birth of my Herb Garden

Category: My memories | Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:31 pm

I will always associate herbs with our home.
Years before, when we were newlyweds, we lived near a barn/farm called The Herbfarm, that was becoming renowned for its herbs and foods. I was saving up to take my husband there for dinner, when unfortunately their place caught fire, and burned to the ground.
They regrouped to another location, then built a beautiful restaurant just north, and became so famous that you needed reservations a year in advance. 15 years later, finally I made a reservation in January for our August anniversary.
But you never know what can happen in 9 months. Our dream house appeared, and we had to snap it up quick.
We just moved the boxes into the house on our anniversary morning, and planned to cancel the dinner after 15 years and 9 months of waiting. To our surprise, friends and family helped chip in to help take care of us and our then little kids, so we were able to leave and head on up for our first date in our new home.
So the second day in our new home, I had a new cookbook "The Herbfarm Cookbook" that not only had recipes using herbs, but the whole last half of the book was on growing and using herbs in the Northwest.
I think I started dreaming and planting my herb garden before I unpacked the kitchen boxes.

My herb garden ( photo / image / picture from Karrma's Garden )

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Frank wrote on Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:47 am:

>>> and became so famous that you needed reservations a year in advance.

Wow, it sounds wonderful!

>>> I think I started dreaming and planting my herb garden before I unpacked the kitchen boxes.

That made me laugh Karrma.


Frank wrote on Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:48 am:

Forgot to say, congrats on your new blog. I have subscribed.


daisybeans wrote on Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:45 pm:

Very nice story.... I enjoy my herb garden too. Mine are all in great big pots right outside the kitchen door so I can step out and snip what I need. I have some that I use for cooking and others that I grow because they smell so good cut in a vase. Best of luck with yours, Karma.

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