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5/9/12: Having A Great Day!!!
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5/7/12: Reflecting During Sunrise
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5/7/12: Reflecting During Sunrise

Category: Garden In Action (2012) | Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:04 pm

For you all who don't know, I cherish mornings because that's my time to reflect and just exhale. Take in the wakening of the flowers and sounds. This morning at 6 am, i was in bed and looked over towards the window and the sun was coming up and immediately, I just smiled. I suddenly remembered how i loved this time of the day when I lived in my house in the country. I would get my coffee and go sit outside on the steps before the sun really came up and take in the smells of the morning. Then would come the hummers to feed. Oh man, do I miss that!!! The buzzing, the fighting. Hence, my nickname and tattoo!! Then after about 10 mins, I would always, always take a walk around the property to see what was new and to talk the plants. Back then I had 2 acres but 1 for plantings. The spiders would be busy at work, the lizards (my buddies) would be scurrying all over the place, birds playing in the birdbath. The flowers seemed to smile at me as I walked was as if they were waiting on me. I would wave to everyone who passed by and honked and those who didn't. I was told later that i was a fixture out there. They could always depend on me to be out there when they passed to go to work. I was told that they actually enjoyed passing by to see the yarden because it brightened their spirits. That place was a public garden in the making. With those memories, which are so vivid, I can't help but smile as I lay there.
My hubby still cannot believe that I actually go up early this past Saturday just to go see my plants open...I told him that he doesn't understand yet but he's getting there. He said that he is starting to understand and just shook his head. This moment is when i truly know that I belong in the yard wanting to make people smile. So I got up got myself ready, have already eaten my breakfast and wanted to sit and write and share my reflecting moments with all of you because I know that you understand.

Have A Great Day Everyone!!!!

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tschnath wrote on Tue May 08, 2012 1:10 pm:

I totally understand. We moved 2 years ago from our house to a newly built house with no landscaping at all. I miss my garden as I used to do that same as you, walking around talking and checking on everything. Now I only have bad grass to look at. I know one day I will have another garden but right now I am just dreaming and missing the one that I had.

hummerbum wrote on Tue May 08, 2012 3:44 pm:

Yes yes dreaming is all we can do at this present time but it will get better. I know that you probably have tried to fix your grass problems but keep working on it. At least you have a house to start over with...I have an apt with no balcony or patio...look at it as an open canvas. I have found out recently that starting over with the same type of plants that you had at your last home, relieves a lot of pain and brings back that smile. Then start painting that landscape from there. That's what I would do and I'm doing in the space that I do have.

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