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Why I love Holland so much.
Posted: 19 May 2006 Posted: 24 Sep 2007 Posted: 22 Sep 2007 Posted: 21 Sep 2007 Posted: 06 Sep 2007 All Entries |
All change.
I decided on Saturday that I really didn't like the planters having bark chippings in them to cover the soil as I thought they looked rather dull. While we were out and about yesterday we visited a garden centre (how unusual id that for me eh? LOL) and bought a bag of plum slate chippings They are exactly the same as the ones we have in the front garden already only much smaller. Today, between showers of rain, I removed all the bark and put it into the back garden. Now my planters seem much more cheerful and certainly look more attractive. Here's what they look like now: ![]() ![]() I'm a happy bunny now!! This blog entry has been viewed 4057 times
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>>> I'm a happy bunny now!! <<<
Oh, your garden looks so neat. I do like the color in the planters. Will the plants winter over? Oh, you probably get too much snow. You and Glenda work really hard on your gardens. They look so nice. dooley
They should overwinter fine Dooley as the plants in them are all hardy alpines. At least that's what I'm hoping.
hi eileen what so of plantsdid you put into them they look so neat
Dorothy they are all hardy alpine plants and some also some lemon thyme (I love the smell of it). The depth of the planters is 6" - an ideal depth for the types of plants I've put in as most alpines tend to be shallow rooted.
Looks lovely, eileen. Good idea to change from bark to slate.
WOW!! you are really inspiring!
I love seeing gardens from other parts of the world. What are alpines? Are they winter hardy plants?
Alpines (they get their names from the Alps where they grow wild) are small ground cover plants that can withstand very low temperatures Diene. They rarely reach more than six inches tall.
That looks so awesome and what nice planters:)
I really like those planters,they are so much different than what I've ever seen.
I love the frames that the gravel creates. I'll overlooking around to see whether I can figure out the chosen plants. Still dizzyingly lost within the new-to-me virtual landscape of this site!!
Autocorrect, my nemesis! "I'll be looking around..." Hasty posting. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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