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Mrs. Galeassi
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Recent Entries to this Blog Its winter? Who knew....
Posted: 20 Feb 2014
Fabulous Fall
Posted: 07 Oct 2013
Patiently Awaiting Fall
Posted: 12 Sep 2013
I love the rescue rack!
Posted: 29 Aug 2013
A few flower power pictures!
Posted: 12 Aug 2013

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Fabulous Fall

Category: Not a beginner anymore | Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:17 pm

Wow its great to walk outside and feel a nice fall breeze. Its about time geesh! Now maybe I can straighten my hair with out the humidity turning it to instant frizz! Speaking of hair... check out this cool hairclip I made....

Halloween hairclip I made ( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

I've also been making a lot of friendship bracelets lately... its like little Laura is coming back out... haha... I made stuff like this when I was a kid and now its come back around... so here's a few I made for some besties I have....

Bracelet I made ( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

Another bracelet I made ( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

I've got a few sprouts on my window sil going. A few came from stewbies (thank you again)... I've got 3 Astors, Romaine Lettuce, Orange Cosmos, 1 Blackeyed Susan going, I planted some peony poppies but no sprouts just yet and some mammoth sunflowers again(yeah I just keep trying them).

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

This basket I painted about 20 times since I've had it. It gets used for so many various decorations. Now its my centerpiece I just popped my Jade ripple plant in it. Don't worry its in a liner. Didn't want to ruin my basket.

Ok here's my walkway. I have 3 daylillies still going pretty good. They have been getting some spotted leaves but I think it will pass. I have 3 okra still producing and the white bird of paradise is still looking awesome. The snap dragons and mexican heather are still flowering and my pepper plant that was in this area I pulled, it just wasn't producing. So now I've planted a mum in the empty pot.

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

My sitting area would be nicer if I could get a thick vine over there.... I have morning glories that I found growing in the back yard planted there. They are different then mine that I grew from seed... the people that lived here before had a lot of plants and I keep finding things I know back there... haha So this one is producing small flowers.

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

And here's the rest of my sitting area.....

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

Now this is the area really affected by the white flies, but I've gotten them under control just not demolished! I lost my Cuphea though and I don't know why, was it the flies or something else. Ugh so pulled it today. Now I need something tall over there. Maybe the cosmos would look good there. The orange celosia I just bought pretty much seems to be dying off but I planted the dead heads in the pot with it and have a whole bunch of lil sproutlings. The pink celosia babies are getting pretty big. I'm not fond of these plants, they never live long after I get them, but at least they produce babies. I'm still mad some of my purchased plants don't produce good seeds! Argh like that african daisy I loved! My rose, marigold,sweet williams, tomato, mint, leeks, oregano, ivy and vincas are all still doing great! I am thrilled! The come back king is the butterfly bush.. right off the rescue rack! Its flowering for the first time. :)

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

So that's what's going on in my lil world. Hope your garden is blooming :)

Last edited: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:20 am

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Sjoerd wrote on Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:47 pm:

What a delightful posting this time, Mz G.
So many nice things to see and read.
Things are going well there, You must to be awfully proud.


Frank wrote on Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:16 am:

I really like your blog entries Mrs. G. Hope you have a happy Halloween ahead!

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