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Best time to help Miss Iris thin up ( or out )
Posted: 05 Jul 2012 Posted: 27 Jun 2012 All Entries |
With 5 straight days over 100 degreesI am surprised I have anything left I can call flowers. 5 days over 100 degrees. Very little rain and hard winds. Wildfires, 10 active statewide at the moment. My flowers, although I am watering them morning and evening are struggling to stay alive. My grass is brown except around the edges and in the shade. I actually have 6 Easter Lillie's that bloomed, in late June, is that normal? My once flourishing flower garden is sickly from heat stroke, and I am worried they won't make it. My goal? To continue watering, feeding gently, loving and talking to them and hoping for rain and lower temps, but our hottest months are coming up, July, August and September. I suppose I could bring everyone inside for the summer, but I am afraid my husband would not approve of every room in the house being taken over, after all, I have well over 75 potted plants outside alone. This heat can't last forever... Can it? This blog entry has been viewed 287 times
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so sorry we are getting ready to have temps of 102 for 3 days in a row this weekend my poor flowers are all wilted
I am so sorry too.You are not alone.Maybe misery does love co.This AM it thundered & thundered & we got about 10 dribbles. A wind came up later & it got like Hades,again.So far we have kept flowers close in watered.It still looks glorious in the early AM.But with this 100 degree heat,how long?Is there any law that says it will rain before most stuff gives up the ghost? Maybe this is how regions turn to desert?
Update July 1, 2012. Fires still all over Colorado. Still high temps here. Another day in triple digits. My flowers are struggling but hanging tough. I have lost two long baskets that were once filled with cosmos and marigolds. No longer. Now very dry dirt and plant remains :( the grass is also quite brown, we thatched it and put ironists on it. Water twice a day, early morning, late evening and hopefully it will come back. To those displaced in the Colorado fires, and the 800+ who lost their homes because of this, my heart goes out to all of you. I pray for rain daily, but with rain comes lightening, so it is a double edged sword. Login or register to leave a comment. |