springtime stuff | Posted:
Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:16 pm
well, i accomplished everything i set out to do this weekend...always feels great! is only the middle of march, and i really can't get too ahead of myself....the garden centers aren't open yet, and i figured that when they start peddling their wares....i can start the serious digging and moving. that being said, plenty to do..cut the dead stalks, (and burn them)..get some nasty weeds that i can see better now before everything else gets going, they should come up easy as the ground is very soft. the birdies are having a great time picking pieces of dead stuff for their's so unusually warm this spring, somehow i'm still waiting for the other 'shoe' to drop, but take some comfort knowing that the more the days go on, the less likely that is going to happen.
did an up close check of the front flower bed and am happy to say, the columbine & foxglove are returning! right now the daffs are happily showing off, and the muscari & tulips are coming along right after them! the bleeding heart is on schedule..and probably could use some rain, but it seems to go everywhere but here. right now, i'm ready to do alot, but need to slow down just a bit, maybe i'll just wait for the lilacs to tell me when!
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