anxious annie
a new year | Posted:
Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:17 pm
here we are, two months into the new year, and i can't wait for the winter to disappear!.....have ordered some nice flowers for my new front garden, (i am running out of room in the back yard) and it is a spot which get no direct sun..not quite sure how i'm going to do it, but with plants on the way, (probably arrive in april) i must make up my mind!
I had bought some bulbs in the fall, and neglected to put them in right away, so i actually got them in around the first of the year (i could still dig in the ground), just in time, too....after that, the weather went downhill, and has been cold and frozen ever since.....i know it's early, but i'm always on the look out for the crocus, daffodils, and muscari to be peeking their tips out of the ground.....
I also bought some canas for my backyard....had them a few years ago, and they didn't over winter well, and i wasn't able to revive them....i'll give them one more shot.....
hopefully...third time is a charm for this blog
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