New ideas of picket fence
Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:28 am
Yesterday we bought two sections of picket fence off a lady we met at a barn sale. Today we played around with some ideas to do with more picket fence.So i took some pics of what it could look like,by propping it up.The arbor of course would be painted white to match. We would have to buy new picket fence though . I priced some at lowes,they have it for like $22.00 for 8 foot long sections.
Here is my pics of what it might look like with fence propped.
Now we would go from the start of the boxwoods , to down where the yellow peace rose is at the end of the driveway.
Here are some other pics.
The azeala's planted,but before we mulched them.
My hydrangea tree.Thought i lost it to the frost,but its coming out again.
Our new rain gauge.
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