welcome to my garden room
Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:36 am
today me and ron went out to local nursery,it was raining(yuk)and cold.picked up some tomato plants and a rosemary plant and a weigela from wally world and a gardenia,but with the rain the smell was not strong.i also found the nursery had nemesia and we got a pink and yellow .i also found a nice rex begonia but all of these will be in the house till warmer weather. lowes and home depot have several trees and stuff but it was just to wet to look to long,they had dwarf fruit trees at lowes for less than 10.00 at lowes,not to bad.we'll wait for a nice sunny day to pick some out.
founf some tyme i"ll plant somewhere,smells good!!
picked up alot of vining seeds at the rivermarket in kansas city a few weeks back,cant wait to plant them..
last year i bought a crepe jasmine ,ive had it in a pot in the house all winter,cant wait for it to flower.
well gonna go,till next time...
p.s check your local antique store for nice used garden magazines,you can pick them up for 1.00 or less...
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