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Mount Shasta Lenticular Clouds
Posted: 15 Mar 2013 Posted: 11 Mar 2013 All Entries |
Making Plant Markers While it SnowsView Photo Album: Homemade Plant Markers making the wire frames i used a piece of 1x4 bent the wire across the top down the sides to form a rectangle 1x4 at the bottom where the ends cross find the center and bend straight this part will stick in the ground paint the wire to keep from rusting . i cut some rolled copper 1x5 its just a little thicker than heavy duty aluminumfoil using some 1/4in letter punch ,print the name fold ends over and solder to backside , steelwool bothsides blacken letters with sharpie or black paint steelwool again then apply a good clearcoat to both sides i do about 12 at a time it takes me 2-3hrs this is my first time making them im sure my lettering will get better This blog entry has been viewed 229 times
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Nice idea and at least the names won't rub off. They should last you for years too and make IDing your plants so easy. Well done!!
Wow these look great William. Thanks for taking the time to share your instructions and images with us. It really is admired here :)
Great idea, I love the look of that style marker. Thanks for the instructions. What gauge wire did you use?
I agree great idea.
Those are super professional. Very clever.
Look great. Where did you get the copper? The wire could be old coat hangers? Yes? Did you use a letter punch for lettering? Login or register to leave a comment. |
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