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Aerogarden Enthusiasm

Category: Hydroculture | Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:32 am

I'm getting an Aerogarden! I'm getting an Aerogarden!

I am unbelievably excited about finally getting an Aerogarden Ultra LED. I've been fascinated with the technology for months now but haven't had the resources available to get it before yesterday.

Well, it's in the process of being shipped by Amazon now. I'm eagerly anticipating getting it and will be doing a series of YouTube videos on my experiences with it via my YouTube channel.

My short term goal is to grow the seed kit that comes with the machine. In this case, it's the Gourmet Herbs kit. Eventually, I'd like to get a few more and have full scale production going in my home for Tomatoes, Peppers, Strawberries, Chard and, of course, Herbs.

My reasons for this are two-fold. One, I'd like to satiate my curiosity about the technology and become more proficient in it than I currently am. Two, I'd like to grow some food for the house. While I no longer live in a food desert, fresh produce is very hard to come by given my income level. I am hoping that, with this purchase, I can be on my way to reliably providing a source of fruits and vegetables for the household.

That's the hope anyway. Now, to put it into practical application.

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