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A Date with Some Pineapple Seeds

Category: Container Gardening | Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:01 am

I've struck again. Ghetto Gardening is in full force in the room of KTC.

After getting a plastic container of Matzoh Crunch! (a dessert of matzoh covered in sliced almonds and chocolate), I decided to plant the Pineapple seeds. Yay!

There were five pineapple seeds total. I planted them all in two rows in soil that's about an inch (2.5cm) deep. I saturated the potting mix with water, sprayed it down with more water for good measure and put the lid on it before putting it in my window between the Aloe Vera cutting (which is doing great) and the Orange tree/Nasturtium pot. Yo ho ho, hopefully, they'll grow.

Undaunted, I decided to really put my bravery at planting out there. Finding another upcycled carryout container, I cleaned it of its previous sewing contents before packing in the potting mix and poking a deep hole in the soil with my finger. Then, I placed the date palm seed inside, saturated it with water, and placed it on the Rolling Stand under my window. Hopefully, this one will grow too. Not too big but enough to make a lovely houseplant.

On Monday, I transplanted the tomato plants to a bigger pot and planted the majority of the Nasturtiums either in with the tomatoes, or in a carryout container of their own.

How are the tomatoes standing up on their own? Well may you ask. I, with much difficulty due to my thumb, untwisted a coathanger and plunged it into the soil. That's my stake. Told ya. Ghetto Gardening. :D

Last edited: Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:03 am

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mart wrote on Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:32 am:

Ghetto gardening !! I like that term. Using what you have !! Recycle, upcycle,,nothing can stop a gardener when there are seeds to plant !!


Green Fingers wrote on Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:50 am:

Super! Keep us posted.


AvaRose82 wrote on Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:44 pm:

Haha that's a great term! Very creative, and resourceful though. I look forward to seeing updates on your plants


xantedeschia wrote on Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:42 pm:

@mart, Green Fingers and AvaRose82: Absolutely! I've been trying to grow things since I was 13 years old. I once used a colander lined with a plastic supermarket bag to grow basil.

I will be sure to update this blog regularly and keep you posted. :)

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