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Another Kitchen Observation

Category: Life As I Know It | Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:17 am

There is one cabinet in the kitchen that I am weary about opening. It's the one that contains the plastic ware; you know, the pitchers, bowls and Tupperware containers.

It started out organized, but over the course of time has become an unorganized mess. It's gotten to the point that if just one piece is moved incorrectly it all comes toppling over. I've watched members of my family when they are putting away dishes. They open the door, toss the item in and then close it back quickly, hoping not to topple the perfectly balanced infrastructure. Then, when they want something out of the cabinet they delicately open it back up and peek around the door before opening it completely.

A lot of times, when an item is taken out of the cabinet there ends up being an avalanche of plastic ware as the prize is pulled out of the stack. It's both comical and aggravating at the same time. It's our little game of kitchen Jenga.

The worst thing is trying to find a container with a matching lid. It's amazing to me how we can have ten containers and ten lids, but none of them will fit together. No matter how hard I try I can never seem to find a match. And the whole time I am seeking the lid, I am desperately trying to hold the stack in place, praying that it doesn't fall over. I think all the lids in our house have ran off with the other sock that disappeared in the dryer.

In order to remedy the situation we continually buy more sets of containers and lids. They seem to be fine the first time they are used, but after that first washing they disappear into the abyss and are seldom seen again. What makes it worse is that we're never smart enough to take all of the old containers and lids out and throw them away. It's like we're clinging to the hope that the wayward plastic ware will somehow find its way home.

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marlingardener wrote on Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:49 pm:

Haven't we all been there and done that! I think it's a plot by the Tupperware people to keep us buying their stuff. A tiny Tupper steals into your kitchen at night and takes all the lids that match any container!

Donna S wrote on Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:16 pm:

Rich and I just had this discussion last night, almost word for word.


AvaRose82 wrote on Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:27 pm:

I'm not sure there is anyone who hasn't been hit the the tupperware cabinet curse

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