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Talking Gardening

Category: Gardening | Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:10 am

On March 31st we had a graduation party for my youngest son. We were expecting quite a few people so I marked off a parking lot out in the open area by the garden.

I was working on getting some of the minor party details done when my son came in, "Dad, you need to get out to the garden. Some guy is really interested in it and he's asking me all kinds of questions that I can't answer."

Hmm... talk gardening or work on mundane party stuff? Flash Gordon couldn't have gotten to the garden any faster than I did. I was expecting someone older, but what I found was a young man in his early twenties. I was immediately bombarded with questions about nearly every plant that I was growing. He was especially interested in the giant orange amaranth (which sadly got knocked over by heavy winds this past weekend). He also wanted to know about the bees, but he had no desire to actually go near the hives.

We talked for a while as we walked every row, but eventually I had to get back to the party. It was nice to see someone so young who was interested and excited about the garden. It gives me hope that gardening will continue on well after I can no longer do it (which I hope is a long, long way off).

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marlingardener wrote on Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:48 pm:

You just may have made a gardener! Much harder than gardening, but so very rewarding.


Frank wrote on Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:58 am:

Gardeners are generally wonderful, friendly people and their enthusiasm rubs off on semi-interested people, which turns them into fully blown gardeners :)

Cayuga Morning wrote on Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:59 am:

How nice! What a great break from the party prep!

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