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Vegetable Vow

Category: Gardening | Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:12 am

Like most people with a vegetable garden I enjoy giving away the excess. To me there is something fulfilling about giving fresh vegetables to someone who normally wouldn't get them. Lately though, I'm finding that I am being a little more cautious about who I give them to.

For example, a co-worker mentioned that she would like to have some squash so I brought it in the next day. I didn't really think about it again until almost a week later. I asked her how the squash turned out and she said rather nonchalantly, "We haven't cooked it yet."

A few days later I mentioned it again and got the same response. I know that squash doesn't last forever in the refrigerator so to keep from having to hear that she threw it out I just stopped asking.

The other day she asked me if she could have some more squash. I asked if they ever ate the first batch that I brought in. She said yes, but to be honest I wasn't convinced that she was actually telling me the truth.

It's crazy that I'm being so protective over vegetables that I'm actually questioning the integrity of my co-workers. It's not like a young man is asking for my daughter's hand in marriage (although I have experienced that and it does have its similarities). Maybe I should come up with some kind of vegetable vow. I could have the prospective suitor recite it and if they refuse then they don't get anything:

I (name here) do solemnly vow to store this vegetable properly until it can be prepared for consumption. I promise to take care of it and eat it quickly, not allowing it to go bad in my refrigerator. I further vow that I will eat all of it and not throw any away, so help me God.

Of course I'm kidding. I would never make someone take a vow before giving them vegetables... well... hmm... it's not such a bad idea.

Last edited: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:30 pm

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Frank wrote on Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:16 am:

Try it on her the next time and see her reaction :D Honestly though the non-use of the veg would annoy me also.

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