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Close Call

Category: Life As I Know It | Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:00 pm

The light turned yellow just as I got there so I was the first one in the lane to turn left. For some reason I wanted to know how long the light was going to stay red so as I rolled to a stop I glanced at the digital clock on the dash. It read 7:29. I'm normally by myself on the way to work, but my youngest son, Joshua, started at the local college this week and it's right across from my work. It works out well because we can ride together and it gives us a chance to talk. Joshua is pretty good about talking to me. It's normally about computer stuff, but that's what he is into and hearing how much it excites him makes me happy. At 7:29 Joshua was explaining something to me about static and dynamic RAM. To be honest, I didn't understand completely and I was concentrating so hard trying to comprehend what he was saying that I missed it when the light turned from red to green. It had probably only been green a second or two and once I noticed I took the time to look at the clock. It read 7:30. I remember thinking, "One minute, that's not too bad." I took my foot off the brake and pressed the accelerator. I had only gotten a couple of feet when I noticed something moving to my left. I hit the brakes and some knucklehead in a Ford F-150 pickup truck blew through the red light and whizzed right by the front of my car.

It took the better part of the day for my pulse rate to go down. I thought about how close of a call we had all day. If Joshua wouldn't have been talking to me would I have pulled out quicker and gotten hit? What if I hadn't been timing the red light? I mean, it did take me a second to glance at the clock before I took off. Was that enough time to prevent an accident? And there's something eerie about me glancing at the clock. In a worst case scenario I could have been timing my own death. I know that is morbid, but that's where my mind has gone with this.

I'm very thankful that an accident was avoided this morning. It has made me think about how quickly things could go bad though. I always try to be a careful driver, but I will be even more careful now. Maybe this close call has prevented something worse from happening.

Last edited: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:55 pm

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Netty wrote on Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:47 pm:

Thank goodness you stopped! You should go buy a lottery ticket!


Frank wrote on Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:30 pm:

That was close EG. It makes you think!

Cayuga Morning wrote on Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:38 pm:

What a CLOSE call. Very scary. Thank god you & your son are fine.

mart wrote on Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:54 pm:

I have had similar events. Now even if the light is green I still look before moving ahead. I watched one lady next to me on a 4 lane pass right by all that had stopped and run right through a red light. She was talking on the cell phone and didn`t even see it.

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