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My Grandfather

Category: Gardening | Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:41 am

My grandfather was the one who steered me towards gardening. He was a vegetable farmer by trade. Growing up I spent many hours under the hot, Florida sun working in his fields. He mostly grew tomatoes, cantaloupes and watermelons, but I also remember peanuts, eggplant and even soybeans.

Even though he had acres and acres of vegetables in his fields he still kept a smaller, separate garden with a few tomatoes, squash, beans, corn and okra for himself.

I didn't appreciate his love of farming when I was growing up. That didn't come until many years later. He passed away in 1993. What I wouldn't give to just sit down with him now and have a conversation about this year's garden. I would love to ask him about some of his farming/gardening experiences. It would be incredible to have his wealth of knowledge at my fingertips. Mostly, I would just love to be with him and hear his voice again.

If I could be with him again I would let him know that I appreciated all of the blood, sweat and tears he poured into his chosen profession. I would let him know that all of those years were not in vain. I would let him know how a little boy who used to complain about having to work out in the fields under the hot sun now longs to feel its warmth on his skin as he is digging around in the dirt.

I can't tell my grandfather any of those things, but I can tell others. If you know a farmer then let them know how much you appreciate them. If they are anything like my grandfather they won't really want a compliment, but a few kind words can go a long way.

Last edited: Fri May 02, 2014 10:57 am

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xantedeschia wrote on Fri May 02, 2014 10:56 am:

Your grandfather sounds like he was a great person. Thank you for posting this blog entry.


eileen wrote on Fri May 02, 2014 4:12 pm:

I would love to have someone like your Grandfather around to pick their brains and hear their stories. He must have had a wealth of information at his fingertips.
Now it's up to you to pass on the knowledge you gain throughout your lifetime and pass it on to future generations.
I have a feeling your Grandfather would have been very proud of his Grandson.

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