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28th Wedding Anniversary

Category: Life As I Know It | Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:00 am

For our 28th wedding anniversary I surprised Donna by taking her to a play at the Ocala Civic Theatre last night. It was a comedy called "Tom, Dick and Harry" and it was very funny, but we had a few funny moments of our own along the way.

We got a later start to the evening than we intended so we didn't have enough time to go to the new Italian restaurant that I wanted to try. We decided that our only options were fast food or some kind of buffet. She had heard of a Chinese buffet near the theatre that was supposed to be good and neither one of us really wanted to go with fast food for our anniversary dinner, so that was the logical choice. Upon getting our seats I couldn't help but notice the woman to my right. Sitting in front of her was a huge plate of crab legs and she was steady breaking them open. It was as if she were on a mission to ensure that no crab should die in vain. We got our food and ate our dinner. The woman next to us got up and came back with more crab legs. Donna looked at me and whispered, "Did you see how many crab legs she's eaten?" I shook my head yes, enlarging my eyes to show astonishment. She finally finished the crab legs- then promptly headed for the dessert table. I know it was a buffet and people go to buffets to stuff themselves, but we were still amazed at the amount of food this woman managed to put away.

So, after the pre-dinner show we made our way to the theatre. As we were walking up to the door Donna said, "Look at all the older people here."

I retorted with, "Hello! Newsflash! We're not exactly young people anymore."

In her defense, she was right. Most of the people there seemed to be in their sixties or seventies, but we were in our early twenties when we got married and this was our 28th anniversary. You do the math. It is a rather somber moment when you realize that you are closer to the sixty and seventy generation than you are the twenty and thirty generation.

After getting our tickets I made my way to the restroom. I had just finished washing my hands, thrown away the paper towel and was walking toward the door when the father of an old high school friend walked in (he was definitely in his seventies). We recognized each other and both instinctively shook hands. It was at that precise moment that I realized my right hand was still a little wet. I could see in his eyes that he realized it too and a very awkward moment ensued. I'm sure he was wondering if I had just walked away from the urinal or if I had just washed my hands. There was no way for him to really know and I didn't exactly know how to handle it so I hastily said goodbye and made my way out of the restroom.

About halfway through the play the sodium from the Chinese food kicked in and I became extremely thirsty. When the play was over Donna told me that she was so thirsty that her tongue felt like it was stuck to the roof of her mouth. We decided to go through the drive-thru at Sonic and get some lemonade. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate ordering food from a drive-thru. I especially hate Sonic because there are so many blasted choices. We really didn't know what we wanted so I pulled up to one of the ordering stations first to look at the menu and decide before taking on the drive-thru. After what seemed like a very long time we decided on a lime limeaide and a cherry limeaide. I completely forgot about going through the drive-thru and pushed the button to order. Before I could back out and head to the drive-thru a voice came over the intercom, "Can I take your order?"

I was committed now, "Yes, I'll take a large lime limeaide and a large cherry limeaide."

There was a long silence and then finally, "Can you repeat that please?"

"Yes, I'll take a large lime limeaide and a large cherry limeaide."

Once again there was deafening silence. Finally, after about thirty seconds I said, "Did you get that?"

More silence. Then, "Was that a large lime limeaide and a large cherry limeaide?"

Now I'm starting to get a little agitated so I kept my answer as simple as possible, "Um- yes."

"Okay, that will be $4.86."

Then the wait began. I realized rather quickly that there was only one person running food out to the cars. We sat in the car and talked to pass the time. It literally took ten minutes to get our order of two drinks and when they finally arrived the poor kid delivering them apologized, "Sorry it took so long but I'm the only one who is making the drinks."

We weren't really mad about it, just a little inconvenienced, but we were spending time together so it really wasn't a big deal, "It happens sometimes, I can tell you guys are busy."

The kid left on his roller skates and we both promptly took a drink to quench our undying thirst- but the drink order had been wrong. Instead of a lime limeaide and a cherry limeaide we had both gotten a cherry Sprite. There was no way we were going to tackle getting that straightened so we left Sonic and drove home.
All in all, it turned out to be a nice 28th anniversary and I am looking forward to many more- although I may stay away from Sonic for a while.

Last edited: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:00 pm

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Frank wrote on Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:52 pm:

Happy belated 28th anniversary to you both!


2ofus wrote on Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:42 pm:

A very belated Happy 28th anniversary to you two. It sounds like it was fun with some odd and funny moments also. One that you will remember for sure!

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