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Where has the time gone?

Category: Life As I Know It | Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:49 am

There are days when nostalgia just takes over and today is one of those days. As often is the case, I woke up somewhere around 5 am. Unfortunately, I can seldom go back to sleep. So, here I am sitting in a quiet house wondering how my children have grown up so fast.

This train of thought is being driven by the fact that my 23 year old son is getting married next Saturday. He completed Fire College last year and recently started a career with the local fire department. I remember him as a toddler when he used to crawl around on the floor with little stuffed toys in his mouth. I remember reading him stories at night, helping him with homework and driving him to soccer matches. I remember his first heartbreak, his first car and his first paycheck.

So many memories. Now he's starting another journey and, as I learned with my daughter who got married 7 years ago, it's one that sees me in a different role. I'm still Dad to him, but now I also get to be Dad to his wife. I haven't lost a son, I've gained a daughter. I know the relationship is different, but in a lot of ways its still the same. There will be peaks and valleys for him (and her) and I can be there to pray for them and encourage them along the way.

My family keeps growing... and I'm so thankful.

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Netty wrote on Sun Nov 15, 2015 1:51 pm:

This is one of the questions that I ask myself more and more these days ... where HAS the time gone? My oldest daughter has just bought a house, moved out and is getting married, and my son is away at college. While I have one child, 12, still at home, I often think back to them as small children and how MY roles are changing as well. I am SO proud of them, and it makes me smile that I was able to raise such great people.


eclecticgarden wrote on Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:57 pm:

I am in agreement Netty. I am proud of my children as well. My youngest is 19 and still at home working his way through college. He plans on moving to Canada one day though. Don't know how I'll handle one of them being in a different country.


Netty wrote on Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:13 pm:

Oh agreed ... one of them being away in another country would be hard. My son often speaks of wanting to see the world, which is exciting, but scary to me as a parent especially with all the craziness going on globally. What part of Canada does your son want to come to?


eclecticgarden wrote on Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:17 pm:

Calgary... and we live in Florida. Might as well be the other side of the world.

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