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Mrs Smith
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Posted: 23 Jul 2014
A Gardener with No Garden.
Posted: 20 Jul 2014
Phew What a Scorcher!
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A Gardener with No Garden.

Category: A Gardener Who Gardens | Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:16 pm

Meadowvale Cottage ( photo / image / picture from Mrs Smith's Garden )

We sold our much loved (but twice flooded) Meadowvale Cottage three weeks ago and have been living in a bungalow on the other side of the island while waiting for contracts to be passed on a new house. This purchase seems to have now fallen through due to problems in the contract, such is life.

We are staying in this current house for only six weeks because the building is condemned - it's all black mould and rising damp and I have found myself at a loss with no garden to play with at the weekend.

The garden here has been extremely neglected and even though I know the land here will be a building site by the Autumn I can't resist wondering outside to cut out dead branches from the roses and feeding the fuchsia I even spent the whole of last Saturday strimming (yes Strimming!) the lawn. It's a jungle out there! I know It's all a terrible waste of effort, but it is extremely difficult for my twitching green fingers ignore these poor plants in need.

We went to view a place last week which we are going to rent for a year while looking for a new house to buy. I couldn't help but smile to myself when I saw the small garden is in a bit of a mess.. thank goodness, something to do. Most of the space will be filled with our pots of cuttings and layerings taken from our favourite plants at Meadowvale (what we call our portable garden) but the rest is all mine to potter around in for a while.

In the meantime I think I shall settle down and watch some cricket whilst trying to ignore that hydrangea over there with all those dead branches.

Enjoy your Sunday

Love Rachel

Meadowvale's Garden ( photo / image / picture from Mrs Smith's Garden )

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Sjoerd wrote on Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:13 pm:

I enjoyed seeing the Meadowvale foto's. But, what an unfortunate situation you find yourselves in at the moment. Fooey!

I hope that you folks can get that all sorted ...soon.

Hopefully you will come upon a place sooner rather than later.

A stranded gardener is not a nice state to be in.

Cayuga Morning wrote on Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:41 pm:

I agree with Sjoerd. Tough to be a gardener without a garden & even tougher to be without a house! I hope all gets straightened out soon. BTW photos of Meadowvale are gorgeous.


Mrs Smith wrote on Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:12 pm:

Thanks for your kind comments. I am determined to enjoy not having a large garden for a while. The summer here is amazing and I can throw myself into the gardens we do in the day, so all is grand.

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