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Rainy time in Georgia

Category: Random Gardening Thoughts | Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:00 pm

It is raining here in South Georgia today pretty heavily. It usually does this time of year though. It begins to get warm...or hot some days! Then a cool front moves through and causes these nice spring thunderstorms. It will rain and rain for a few days and then the sun comes out to dry up all the rain and make it muggy. The plants sure do appreciate all the rain. I don't mind it except that I hate driving in it and you can't cut the grass while it is raining so the yard looks like a jungle. I have a new tomato plant and some beautiful new Boston ferns that were $5 at The Home Depot! I am sincerely hoping that I can do a better job with these than the last...The two that I killed are sitting on my porch as a reminder of what not to do. Actually one of them is growing a new frond, so I do have some hope for it!! The new ones I purchased are so lush and beautiful! They make me so happy! I put my Peace Lily out in the rain for some fresh rain water and I must not have had it planted deeply enough when I repotted it. The wind blew it and it snapped at the base. If anything lives, I hope it does...I got it from my stepfather's funeral and began my gardening journey. I am proud to say that it has made it this far, but if I hadn't messed with it, it might have been doing better. I was guilty of being overly attentive to my plants, but I like to think I have gotten better. Hopefully, I will not make the same mistakes again in the future.

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2ofus wrote on Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:11 am:

Gardening is certainly a continual learning process. I hope your peace lily recovers and, don't give up too soon as it may take a while.

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