My Lilac seed has sprouted!
My garden | Posted:
Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:01 am
Well, after thinking it wasnt going to work this year, i decided to glasn in on my lilac green house and sure enough there is one single sprout. I planted 6 seeds just to see if it would happen and yep! there it is! (Pics soon to come). So, i supose now ill just have to reseed the marigolds as I only have 1 single sprout that grew. I am excited to see my squash plants growing so vigorously. Except I will be disappointed if it turns out to be Zuccini instead of yellow crooked neck squash. Only hubby is a fan of zuccini and we really dont eat much of it. Its already got buds growing on it (i thought that wasnt supose to happen til it was out side! lol. oops! now, only if the ground would dry up just enough so we can till the soil so i can plant these fellas! (:
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