Started using the big feeder.
Bird Brain Blog | Posted:
Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:53 pm
Was getting too many birds for the small feeder to support, so started using the big one. Lot's of Chickadees and a lot of Goldfinches in their winter feathers. So the big feeder has black oil sunflower seeds mixed with cracked corn and we put peanuts in the small feeder now. As the birds eat the sunfloer seeds, they throw the corn out on the ground. Then the Doves and the sparrows and Juncos Come along and eat it. Once in a while they will get a seed too. I have a plastic dish, a big one, under the feeder and they will get in it and eat. Sometime last night something came up and ate all of the corn out of the dish. I don't think it was a racoon as they usually move it all over the place and upset it. I suspect a deer had visited.
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