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The Story of the Knights of the Round Dining Table Part 1
Posted: 12 Feb 2024 Posted: 21 Oct 2021 Posted: 21 Jul 2013 Posted: 28 Aug 2012 Posted: 21 Aug 2012 All Entries |
Childhood memoriesI remember when I was a child, in the early 70's, when all winters had lots of snow, and all summers were endless and warm. There were few cars about and the streets were our playground, as well as the forest, beach and everybody's gardens. During the summer we practically lived on the beach. We brought food and drink down, our parents sat around talking and a few of them even went swimming and playing in the water with us. We were taught to swim in that little bay, and when we'd finally learned to keep our heads above water, we wanted to learn how to dive. There were lots of funny sea animals to catch if we were quick enough, and one of the grown-ups always knew a name for it, and maybe a story about it too. In winter we went tobogganing down the steepest road. There were only two cars in the neighbourhood that had to use that road, so we were fairly safe playing there. Everybody else drove the longer way around. My best friend's father was the coolest because he always shoveled the snow from the drive into a huge, big pile in a corner. There we would excavate a big snow cave to play in for as long as the snow lasted. As far as I can remember, it lasted for months, but probably didn't. One winter we visited my grandparents further inland. There was so much snow on the ground we could make tunnels without anybody shoveling the snow into heaps first. Luxury! It was also so cold for a couple of days that the engine oil began to freeze, which probably was a serious thing. I can't remember how my father solved that, but we didn't get to stay for an extra couple of days. I still feel a twinge of regret for that lovely tunnel work we had to leave behind. Spring was used in the forests surrounding our homes. We climbed trees, picked flowers, played cowboy and indians and everything else one can play with big woody areas available and not a chain saw in sight. We waded the boggy areas and got scolded for dirty feet and wet wellies, but the lessons never stuck. We knew where to find lily-of-the-valley, and with a small bouquet of that everything would be forgiven. In autumn we went berry picking, mostly to eat there and then, but we occasionally managed to bring enough back for making jam too. We especially liked berry picking in the rain, for some strange reason. Both the berries and us children were soaked at the end of the day, but it seemed nobody bothered much after the unavoidable scolding and repeated whining about us getting ill. We undressed and sat in the tub for hours on end while reading Donald Duck, thawing out and using all the hot water. Life was probably not as uncomplicated as I remember, and the weather was probably a lot more changeable, but this is how I remember it, and this is what I'm trying to give my own girls. I can't do much about lack of snow or too cold summers, but I can still drag them with me outside to pick lily-of-the-valley in the rain come spring. This blog entry has been viewed 659 times
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That was a nice clean way of living.. I did much of those things living in the country. Children today will never share such great solitude and closeness to mom an dad and mother nature.. thanks for the input.
Isn't it the truth, we remember mostly the good stuff. I to remember the good old days, when summers were an endless string of sunny warm days. The winter was filled with the best snow to play in. I remember coming home with my pants one big block of ice. Mom making us change out in the rear entry porch. Thanks for your entry, and for bringing back all the good memories.
What a very nice narrative. You really do know how to write things in an interesting way.
Wasn't childhood magic. Here is a topic that will interest you also Droopy :)
Very nice droopy, brings back alot of memories for me too of Lapland. wild strawberries, reindeer roasts, snow, skating on the frozen waters, and skiing out in the wilderness with not a car to be found for hours.
Droopy, took me back too! wow, I really need to reminise!thanks! Dee
You brought me back to my childhood too Droopy. I remember summers at the cottage. Our wardrobe consisted of a bathing suit and bare feet. We used to walk for hours in the woods looking for "treasure". I don't ever remember actually finding any except a few old junk piles. I still love to roam thru forests. Sad, my kids don't find it nearly as exciting as I did /still do. They have no sense of adventure these days.
Oh those wonderful memories you brought bach to me.Its been a long time thinking back all the wonders kids get into.Thanks for the memories Droopy.Oh if I could go back for just one more day.
And to think we grew up half a globe apart, but I was transported back to my own childhood when I read this blog entry Droopy. You certainly have a way with words that makes us all part of your world.
Thank you all for enjoying my looking back and for sharing your own too. Frank, I loved that topic. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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