Well that was interesting
FRED - the garden | Posted:
Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:38 pm
Springtime thunderstorms are a hoot!!! I have really missed them the last few years. Of course, it has been even longer since there has been a tornado in our immediate vacinity and those I do not miss.
Now the brilliant flashes of lightning and claps of thunder that rattled the windows and had me jumping have moved off to the north-north-east. The wind was blowing the rain at an angle so the rain gauge doesn't have an accurate total but I am guessing we got 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. Just looking at the ground you wouldn't believe it tho, it was so dry out there (no rain since January 12) that it soaked in as quickly as it fell.
The Springer Spaniel that Lisa has is deathly afraid of thunder. She has clawed and chewed her way thru doors, walls, plastic dog crates and mattresses trying to get away from the noise in the past. Lisa and the boys went to the Ft. Worth Zoo today and were not home when the storms reached us. Kenny called and asked us to go up to their house to put Stormy in her crate. She was a basket case when we got there. I had some benadryl and a slice of cheese with me, the benadryl helps her sleep thru the storms.
The Carrollton Ham Radio club weather spotters group was activated about 4 this afternoon. So Randy took off to sit in a parking lot along one of the highways, watching for high winds, heavy rain, hail and/or tornados. He should be home pretty soon now that things are clearing up.
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