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Can't believe I haven't written a blog entry in two years
Posted: 21 Mar 2014 Posted: 19 Jan 2012 Posted: 04 Jul 2009 Posted: 16 Jun 2009 Posted: 27 Apr 2009 All Entries |
A key on a chain and no end to GladsLast year when I was digging up the Glad bulbs to move this spring I just thought I got them all. I spent a good portion of this morning digging up more little ones left behind. I now have them planted in 6 more places around the yard. Any others that show up will be transplanted in Lisa's yard, don't know if she wants them, don't really care at this point. I will plant them while they are gone during the day if I have to. Or I could be like Johnny Appleseed and go around planting them in other peoples yards. I think I am being to understand how people with over productive Zucchini plants feel in late summer. I was planting some by the side gate between the two wood triangle shaped planters when I realized that the dwarf Hollyhocks had formed their own bed. The second year I had the Hollyhocks we had a couple of hard freezes and 4inches of snow on the ground that Valentines day. In spring there were several of them that didn't make it, I pulled them up and laid them on the ground by the gate awaiting trash day when they would go to the curb for the green-grabber to pick them up. Later that spring I found one solitary Hollyhock coming up where they had lain. Since then that one plant has continued to grow and bloom, this year it is becoming a really good sized plant and has about 10 off spring around it......they had become thier own flower bed. Got the weeds pulled up around them and will find some sort of fencing to keep them safe. That is where I found a very rusted chain with a likewise rusted key attached. Maybe it is the key to a treasure chest buried out there. Couple of times I got sprinkled on by rogue black clouds that passed overhead. Never amounted to much but did feel good on my back. Now it appears the sun is gaining a strong hold in the sky and the place will be heating up, already 78. My routine when finished in the yard for the day is to take a can of Chrysanthemum Tea out back and enjoy it while surveying what I have done and planning what I need to do. This morning I also made a pretty long list of plants to buy this weekend.....I am tired of being a good girl when it comes to new plants!!! This blog entry has been viewed 613 times
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Who wants to be good when it comes to buying plants - not me!!!! LOL
If eileen found a treasure chest, she'd be most thrilled if it was full of pictures, I think, lol! Sounds like a wonderful garden day, I tried transplanting a small tree but gave up and pruned it instead.
If I found a treasure chest I would want it to be full of gift certificates to all the local plant nurseries around here.
i agree with cajunbelle on the local nursery,lol..
toni you will have blooms all over soon .Maybe someone thought the key chain would grow and bloom key chains with keys dangling :)
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