Just another morning in the yard
FRED - the garden | Posted:
Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:27 pm
After last weeks 2.5 inches of rain I knew it would take a few days for the ground to become less soggy enough to work without feeling more like making mudpies, today the soil is just about right. It still sticks to the trowel but not too bad.
Last night we went to Lowes for the 10 bags of mulch I need this week and 5 bags of potting soil. But NO PLANTS, booohoooo, we didn't realize they closed early on Sunday nights and got there 10 minutes before they locked up. Randy loaded a cart with the mulch and a smaller one with the soil. He pulled the heavy one to the checkout counter but took a more direct route than I did.
The cart and I made a few detours and extra turns but got to the checkout eventually. I blame it on the wheels of the cart I was pulling, they just wouldn't go in a straight line, kept making turns that coincided with the aisles of plants. I think someone in the corporation had put a computer chip in that cart so the customer would not be in control of where that cart went. I didn't have time to actually shop but did get to look at what they had.
Last Saturday the trip to our favorite thrift store proved beneficial to them and to me. I came home with a couple of baskets, a large bowl that will become home to a waterlily and an old school type desk that fits perfectly into my bloom house as a potting table.
This morning I cleared out the area in front of the bloom house, the old potting table is going out for trash pickup, pulled weeds and laid down 7 bags of mulch and made a really cool comfy spot.
To the left of my new comfy area where the main Iris bed is.
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