Worms, a Snake and the Hawk
FRED - the garden | Posted:
Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:43 pm
I don't often get to spend 4 hours working in the back yard but with the sky darkly overcast preparing for the spring storm moving our way this evening it was just too good to pass up.
Allium bulbs are in the ground and the Sweet Broom plant is nice and snug in her new home.
Moved the Hyacinths out of the various garden locations into a large bucket.....I now have a Hyacinth Bucket, "noooo it's pronounced Bouquet". Yes I watch a lot of British sitcoms on our PBS station.
The cucumber seedlings have broken the surface but the other seeds are taking their dear sweet time. Too impatient I know.
Found lots of worms while digging thru the flower beds pulling out weeds...always a good sign.
Found a baby garden snake curled up under a brick I moved to clean up the edge of a bed....also a good sign just quite startling. I needed to work where he was, so he took a flight across the yard to a more out of my way location.
Now the Hawk, not such a good sign for the birds who were enjoying their lunch at my feeders but really cool to watch. I was working on a bed and had my back to the feeders that were alive with a noisy lunch crowd....heard the swooshing sound of 30-40 birds ranging in size from sparrows to large grackles all taking off at once. Nothing really new, I figured one of the local cats had been sighted by the lookout bird. I had to empty my bucket of weeds, figured I would chase the cat off while I was up. Couldn't find the cat but looked up to see a good sized Hawk circling over the area.....three doves in the Hackberry tree and not another bird in sight. Several minutes later I heard the noisy diners return so I knew the Hawk had moved on.
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