Well, I thought that's what they were
FRED - the garden | Posted:
Tue May 09, 2006 8:51 pm
Spring of last year I put in several plants and moved a couple of others around to better locations. Then the heatwave and drought hit and the water hose and I could not keep them alive.
This past January, since we never really had winter, it was time to get out there, try to clean up and hope some of the perennials would come back. By March little clumps of green were showing up in all the right places....and there I am gazing in awe at the persistence of those tiny plants and wondering what they were. Some of the plant markers from the garden center had apparently dissolved in the heat since they were nowhere to be found. I dug out the extra tags I had kept since I had planted at least two of each kind and made the more durable markers from the CD cases.
I got most of them right, only three mislabeled ones. What I tagged as a Sage was in fact a Texas Betony,
one of the two I thought were goldenrods has turned out to be a mini-coreopsis - only it is not so mini any more, almost 3 ft tall after being moved- I am pretty sure the other one is goldenrod since the leaves look right and one I tagged as a Purple Sage turned out to be a Mealy Sage.
I have learned not to put as much trust into "oh, yeah, I can remember what that is" and write things down....just as an aide dontchaknow, I really have a very good memory.
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