39 years ago today
Random bulletins from my brain | Posted:
Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:03 pm
It was 39 years ago today that I planted my first vegie garden. I had helped my Mom when I was 4 but this one was mine.
The reason I remember it so clearly is because I had been having a true case of "nesting syndrome" for more than a week.
My first baby was due at any time, at my Drs. visit the previous Monday I told him about the nesting thing....cleaning house like a madwoman, rearranging cabinets (would have literally taken them off the wall, I had that much energy, but couldn't find a hammer). My Mom had said that meant the baby would be born in 7-10 days, my Dr. said that was an old wives tale and to make an appointment for the next Monday....they didn't induce labor in those days, the baby decided when it would be born.
So that Thursday I took a shovel and some okra and blackeye pea seeds out into the back yard and started digging in the hard, dry west Texas dirt to make a garden bed about 10'long and 2' wide. Got the seeds planted and watered, took a nap and we had some friends over for dinner that night.
4 o'clock the next morning I went into labor and my first baby, my beautiful Lisa was born just under 6 hours later that morning. (and this is one of those years when her birthday is on the same day of the week on which she was born)
The vegies did grow, even tho I was a little distracted the rest of the summer with a new baby. We never did pick and eat any of the produce, it got hot and with a new baby I just forgot the plants were out there until we were getting ready to sell the house in Sept and found the dried up remains out there.
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