Installed, up and running
Puttering Around The House | Posted:
Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:36 pm
This is a really nice, fast computer. Everything is swapped over, all my cookies came over too so I was still recognized at all the places I normally go to.
The deal we got included a monitor and at first thought since mine was not all that old we figured to keep the newest one in the box until it was needed. But Randy hooked it up to make sure it worked, the picture is just sooooo much better than the other one that I couldn't let him box it up.
The only thing from the package deal I am not using is the mouse. I have a wireless mouse that I love and refuse to do without.
My little gnome is in place on the new monitor too.
Randy has to find the printer install CD then I will be totally set.
My old computer is going to become storage for shared files and stuff that I do not care to have explained to me.
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