This is soooo Nicky
Grandson Stories | Posted:
Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:29 am
preface.....Nicky is 7 and just entered first grade, he definitely marches to his own drummer!!!
I got this email from Lisa this evening and thought it would perk everyone up.....
"Mrs. Griffin has an incentive plan called "caught being good" and to her class she gave the example of someone dropping their pencil box and whoever helped pick it up would get points for being good. Points = candy. So Nicky and his little table mate hatched a plan that she would drop her pencil box and he'd help clean it up, then later in the day he'd drop his and she'd help clean up. He said that was the only way he'd be caught being good. Ingenious!"
I wrote Lisa and asked her how the teacher figured out what they were doing. Her response was.....
That's the best part...he told his teacher of their clever plan this morning
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