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Can't believe I haven't written a blog entry in two years
Posted: 21 Mar 2014 Posted: 19 Jan 2012 Posted: 04 Jul 2009 Posted: 16 Jun 2009 Posted: 27 Apr 2009 All Entries |
The more rain we get, the more garden plans I come up withIt started just before 5:30 a.m. this morning, Sunday, Sept. 17th. Thunder that rattled the windows a couple of times, a few lightning flashes and rain...beautiful, wet, heavy rain. When I got up there was almost an inch in the really large rain gauge out back. Today is my second favorite kind of day. Heavy overcast all day and several really good soaker rains. It ended just about 6:30 p.m. leaving 1.5 inches on my yard. We met Lisa,Kenny and the boys at The Flying Fish for Kenny's birthday supper and I let him know that only someone important could get me to leave the house on a precious rainy day. Tomorrow will be too wet to work out back, that's okay since I broke the handle on my garden fork last Friday and have to buy another one before I can start working on the expansion plans I have been thinking about. The rainy day gave me the time to get my gardening notebook caught up. I know, I tend to get a little carried away with organizing things sometimes, but this way when I have a question about the care and feeding of one of my plants I can go to the notebook. I started it last year when I began planning on applying for National Wildlife Federation certification. I have printed out info sheets on all the plants I have out back, except the annuals that won't last the winter and will print new ones for the herbs and annuals I actually buy next spring. And I have info sheets on plants I hope to get next year. I have them in the notebook by yard sections, even have some different types of gardens in the planning stages for next year. For instance, around the wishing well I will build next spring, I am going to have plants/flowers that correspond with the birth month of close family members. There will be honeysuckle climbing on the well for June (Lisa and Amanda), Larkspur in blue for July (Randy and grandson Nicky), Red Carnations (or dianthus if necessary) for January (Randy's Dad), Daffodils for March (Randy's Mom), Rain Lily's for April (Me), Daisies for May (my Mom), Asters (Texas (Fall) Asters)for Sept (Kenny) and a Dwarf Burford Holly for December (oldest grandson Austin). I started printing out pictures of plants for the secret garden and the herb garden and the new garden out front. Even printed out info sheets on plants I want but have no idea where I would put them. This blog entry has been viewed 679 times
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I think people organise in different ways, one person's method may look like chaos to another but it is an organised chaos.
There really is a streak of OCD that runs thru my family, I sometimes get an overwhelming need to re-organize some part of my life and can not do anything else until it is done. The gardening notebook has been done and now I can get on with the next thing .... alphabetizing our bookcase has been niggling at the back of my mind for weeks. :)
>>> My absolute first favorite kind of day is COLD AND SNOWY. <<<
Dooley, I garden like you do.
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