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My Family
Posted: 21 Nov 2007 Posted: 21 Mar 2008 Posted: 13 Apr 2008 Posted: 18 Mar 2012 Posted: 27 Apr 2010 All Entries |
Christmas Season 2007Right after Thanksgiving there is so much to do to prepare for Christmas, but it is still my favorite time of the year. I greet the dawn of late November, and hit the ground running. ![]() First on my list is to select arrangements for my parents' and little sister's graves. I try to do this as early as I can because it is very important to me,and if my time gets eaten up . . . I would rather put off something else . . . I had to return to the store to select more flowers as I did not have quite enough. While I was there I tried to find some inexpensive baskets to paint. I have decided to try something that I have never done before. I plan to make some Christmas baskets for my loved ones . . . and put a personal touch to them. I ordered a basket from a well known company, and thought I would come out better just making my own. I found that baskets cannot be made for what you can buy them . . . costwise, but my baskets could be customized to suit each family . . . my brother who gardens found a Farmer's Almanac along with his goodies . . . (Here are a couple . . . I made eight different ones.) ![]() my cousin who helps her husband roof houses found an ample bottle of shea butter with her treats . . . and I had so much fun tucking little surprises in them. And the quality and variety of the puny store bought one could not compare to the ones that I took time to make. So there is a trade-off here. [Gwenyth Olivia- - my grandniece waving, ![]() "Bye Auntie Nee-Nee!" I visited each family, and delivered the baskets. It took more time, but they were genuinely pleased, and I had a ball making Russian tea, baking cookies, shopping for discounts on things like Belgium chocolate, Swedish cookies, Scottish Shortbread (I found this at Dollar General!), French milled soap, etc. . . . We can only dream of going somewhere out of the country, and to get something that is made elsewhere is a luxury with us . . . except China maybe . . .lol! Next year I will make a mental reminder to shop all during the year for nonperishables, as not to make such a deep dent in my purse at one time. I brought my grand-nieces and grand-nephews little gifts, and also took my aunt around to visit her great grandchildren too. I volunteered to assist with the decorating for our Christmas luncheon at work. I stood on a concrete floor for five hours making eight centerpieces, and my feet swelled up so bad that I could not attend the party. (I am still wearing tennis shoes and dearfoam boots most of the time.) At this point I am starting to feel that I may have over extended myself. (At this point . . . my tree is up, and the lights are on it . . . but it is NOT decorated.) I am also getting my Christmas cards out later than I usually do. I have done my shopping and wrapping, but that is it. Well, it is time to decorate . . . After all . . . it is Christmas eve . . . I am told that in the days of old that is when people did their decorating. . . (I try to justify the reason this has not been accomplished.) ![]() The grands enjoyed the gag gifts that I placed in their stockings better than anything . . . except maybe candy. ![]() ![]() Well, with all the hoopla crammed into 4 tiny little weeks, we just had our family get together with brothers and their families on Saturday. It was fun, and good to see everyone. I got broiled tilapia (as I have gained 10 more pounds since Thanksgiving!) Here is my newest grand-niece, Alle Kate, at the restaurant: ![]() And now here it is, mid January, and my decorations are still up. I had a little visitor at my kitchen window telling me that I need to take down the decorations and get with the program! ![]() It startled me, as my camilia "bush" does not usually bloom until February . . . (Could we be getting an early spring??? These girls could be confused with the warmer weather that we had at the beginning of last week . . .) Look how full of buds!!! Anyhow, here on January 14th, 2008 . . . I am wishing each and everyone of you a blessed New Year! ![]() Love, Carmen Denise (AKA SongofJoy) This blog entry has been viewed 1399 times
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Whew! Your recounter made me breathless. That's a race well done. Lovely flowers and decorations. The basket idea is a good one, and makes it so much easier to find something for those who have everything. We normally decorate on the 23d. Tradition, you know.
Oh wonderful, Droopy . . . now I don't feel so bad.
Hiya Carmen - so lovely to actually 'see' you. Boy you've certainly been a busy lady haven't you? Your baskets are a really lovely idea - neither wonder they were appreciated. I must try to do something like that next year so thanks for the idea.
You sure have been busy SongofJoy! Time to stop and have a breather.
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