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White, White and More,,,,,,,,,,
Posted: 25 Mar 2010 Posted: 25 Feb 2010 Posted: 10 Sep 2008 Posted: 13 Aug 2008 Posted: 29 Jun 2008 All Entries |
Confessions of OCDHello my name is Balder, and I'm an almost 8 yr old Rottweiller. (My birthday is this month) I have an obsession with licking. I can't help myself. Its something I have to do day or night. The urge just runs rampant thru me, and what ever is within licking distance, gets a good bath. The problem is my obsession drives my mom crazy. She is so patient with me, she never screams, or threats me with what ever might be within grabbing distance. But today I think I might have made her rethink her layed back behavior. I honestly think I seen a hair on her head start to turn grey before my very eyes. It was amazing. Spectacular. I also think she may have a bald spot on the side of her head where she keeps twisting it, to control her anger. What brought all this on. I don't know, but when I get excited, I have to lick. If I go outside, no matter what the weather is, I come in and just have to bathe from head to toe. I mean, I'm NOT a dirty dog! Besides grass, snow, dirt under my nails just drives ME crazy. Hmmmph, and SHE gets mad. Well I guess I could just track it all thru the house then. Heres what makes me mad! When the compusion comes over me, and my drool gets going, an the tongue is about to lick between my toes, she'll say, Nei Balder, you don't want to have sores on your feet. Yes I do! I love to lick my toes. Then when I start to lick my bed, the walls, my toys, and i can't help it, I really can't, but hair gets caught in my throat an I start to choke. Well SHE gets scared. Hmmmph, like I don't. But i can't just help myself. Then she starts to bake, ahhh the smells, drives me wild, an the drool starts to build, an I have to,,,, well you understand. But will someone make her understand!! She puts this crate around my head, then rubs my ears, an calls me her little buttercup. Hola Cripes Woman!!! I'm 8yrs old an 160 lbs,, little buttercup my,,,patootie. So she will take it off because I have mastered the eyes. Its all in the look. hee hee. I got her fooled alright. So I start to lick my feet again. This time she tells me "Thats it!! Your in the dog house now!" So I get up on her bed, and she puts that,,,dang,,,crate on. When will I ever learn.......its a dog life. This blog entry has been viewed 962 times
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Poor, misunderstood Balder. Just doin' what a dogs gotta do and gettin' in trouble for it.
Chance has a chewing compulsion. She does confine it to her blankets. Put a new blanket on her bed and the first thing she does is chew a hole in it. The one we bought her at a yard sale on Friday already has numerous holes in it. She keeps her feet clean, too but not like Balder. dooley
So I guess Balder is keen on licking then Biita? :) Cute blog entry.
I'm Toffee, a 7 year old bunny that is convinced that there's something wonderful and special that my mommy is hiding from me beneath the linoleum in the kitchen. I keep digging, and she keeps picking me up and telling me "no!". Recently, she got these terrible wax things to put over my claws to stop the digging. Lucky for me I've got eyes AND super-cute floppy ears that I can twitch in just the right way to make her feel bad and take them off again!
OC pets unite,,lol.. thats funny. He drives me crazy sometimes. I guess it was just a bad day for him, an me both. but today seemed like he went beyond what he normally does.
:lol: Poor Balder! Glad you've got the eyes then.
>>> i'm trying different approaches to writing. <<<
I certainly like the new style of writing. Great reading. Lovely idea.
Love the blog and I also understand Balder can't help himself and neither can Chance or Toffee.Oreo has a compulson of having to take a toy to bed with him .He has favorites that have to be in our bed every night.Thank goodness its a kingsize.
Enjoyed hearing Balder's side of the story! We almost got a Rott last time, but I chickened out and didn't want to take a chance that the dog wouldn't be social. We live in an area where all the dogs run around and play together, and everyone I know that has one says they can be difficult with other dogs.
Rotties are great, very social, they love children, play well, are very loyal, and very loving dogs,, Balder thinks he's a lap dog...Its all in how the dog is raised. You have to occasionally put them thru the training just to let them know who the master is,, just like any dog tho, they will try to get away with anything they can. lol.
I just checked the pet forum. I love big dogs, and Balder's a beaut. He seems to like the snow as much as our two do. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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