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White, White and More,,,,,,,,,,
Posted: 25 Mar 2010 Posted: 25 Feb 2010 Posted: 10 Sep 2008 Posted: 13 Aug 2008 Posted: 29 Jun 2008 All Entries |
The Midnight Sun,,,,,,,has come an gone. But the image is one that doesn't leave you for a very long time. I think if a person believes in miracles then the midnight sun is something of miracle in itself. The fact that we sit ontop of the world an it never sets below the horizon an shines day an night, over an over, is amazing in itself. Everyone believes that the midnight sun only shines like that for one month. Statistically they are right. But here in the artic the sun shines for months day an night, it only gets a little lower in the sky each day. By august we finally get an hour of dark and then its still not totally dark. Then each day it gets steadily darker an darker, with more hours of darkness each night. I took this picture in the beginning of august, so you can see we still had daylight all the time. ![]() The midnight sun, beautiful each an every night that it is up. My dog an I usually go for walks at night when its summer, an when you have to wear sunglasses at midnight, I usually find myself laughing at how bizarre. If anyone seen me they would think I was crazy walking along an just chuckling to myself at how fortunate i am to experience something so awesome as what i see each an every night for 3 months. The guest that come an stay here are simply amazed, an you see them out at all hours of the night snapping photos or just enjoying the late evening an early morning hours. Can you blame them, I live here an still am amazed. I will use the word fairytale over an over again, not only because its my favorite word to describe here but because its the most common word that is used by the guest, men an women alike. I have worked in my garden at night only to have a guest come up an kneel down an start working with me. There is something to this sun that inspires people to do more, but at the same time brings a calm, more relaxed person to the surface. Who knows maybe its just the place, or the sun, or the water that is in constant motion. I like to think that when I am bothered by lifes worries all i have to do is go down to the sea an let it all go. The sea will take it away, an when i do that an the sun is up at 2am, it then becomes almost a religious experience for me. The sheer miracle of seeing the sun when its not supposed to be there, grounds my feet an plants me right here to my fairytale land. This is a sunset, that lets me know the miracle of summer is now on its way out, but will return again with a full circle made in time. ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 907 times
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And Balder will have to howl at the sun instead of the moon. :)
What gorgeous photographs Biita!!! Thank you for posting such wonderful photographs for us.
I'm extremely interested in sometime experiencing the day cycle up north, it would mess with my head but it would be immensely interesting to me. Would you have many insomniacs where you are Biita?
Biita, what lovely words to go with the pictures. Experiencing the wonders of nature is a spiritual time isn't it?
Exactly toni,, we start our dark time around the end of nov thru dec 21, tho that doesn't always mean it starts to get light right away,, but by the end of jan. there is some light. its just like the summer we have a good 3 months of total daylight then the winter is a good 3 months of darkness,, altho we have the moon that acts as our sun. infact my next blog is about the darktime,, thats what we call it,, and another blog that i want to write about is about how your body gets confused, an what we do up here to solve that,,,not sure yet which one i will write about first tho. We celebrate all the solstices up here, an i do plan on writing about that as well an the spirit of the people. I'm glad you all like my fairytale home.
I think its very interesting also. Until its wrote about with some pictures its hard to understand how much differant things are in another part of our world. Can't wait to hear more. I was wondering what your 'solstices' are? Maybe like seasons are to us here? I'm finding it all interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Biita,I am learning so much from you. I never even thought about and your pictures are gorgeous.I can't wait to learn more.
Petunia, Solstices are the same world wide. The Summer Solstice is June 21/22 and is known as the longest day/shortest night of the year. It has become the beginning of summer tho in olde times it was known as Mid-Summer.
This is so interesting Biita. Thank you for sharing your'world' with us. The pictures are beautiful. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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