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sharon mc
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Posted: 02 Mar 2009
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Season Starting 2009 (part II)

Category: Gardening 2008 | Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:32 pm

I forgot to say in my most recent blog entry, that I've been trying to hard to make my grotty blue plastic pond AKA my 'environmental area' :) more attractive to both us and to any potential wildlife by incorporating levels of slate, stone and fallen logs. Anyway, this is the result!


I think it's a little more attractive; well, from this view anyway! And hopefully, the logs will provide cooling shade for frogs and other creatures which, I am hoping, will help to demolish the resident slug population.

I haven't seen any frog spawn anywhere yet; probably too early in the year but if necessary, I will advertise online on the local UK 'Freecycle' sites for any donations from ponds which may have enough to spare me a small amount, to try to get a colony established.[/img]

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Palm Tree wrote on Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:37 pm:

I love the natural look. You could be right that it may be a bit too early for the frogs , but if I was a frog I will want to live there.


Netty wrote on Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:47 pm:

Looking good Sharon :)


glendann wrote on Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:55 pm:

It looks great Sharon .I hope the frogs hop along soonand start their home.It looks welcoming enough for them to make their home in your yard.

sharon mc wrote on Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:33 pm:

Hoping so, too! Would like to establish a boggy-type patch around the pond for rushes and similar water-side plants (I've seen instructions for doing this) and also will add some aquatic plants in spring...not planning any fish, though!


Droopy wrote on Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:37 pm:

Good luck with attracting the frogs. I'd want to live in your lovingly prepared site if I were a frog in your neighbourhood.


eileen wrote on Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:37 pm:

You've done the right thing with those stones and logs Sharon. When tadpoles leave the water that is exactly the kind of set up they look for to hide away from birds and hedgehogs. Well done!! I hope your pond is soon alive with wildlife.

sharon mc wrote on Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:22 pm:

"we live in hope"! :)

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