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Progress at last! 3-4-08

Category: My First Vegetable (2008) | Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:53 am

Finally, progress!

Last night I got some good shut eye and then I spent the cold morning cuddled up to my keyboard with hot chocolate and little miss Emily. I hadn't planned on working on the garden with it being so cold and windy here. I kept sitting here thinking, "What can I do today? (That won't give me and Emily the flu!)"
Right about that time I went and took the pictures of the garden that I posted here and it hit me that I oughta get the seeds started now and have nice big transplants to put in once this crazy spring today/winter tommarow stuff passes. So off we went to Lowes for some more (yes I know, I have way too many all ready) seeds and some of those cute little greenhouse thingys to germinate them in.
Of course, I mentioned that my mother-in-law plans to get me tomatoes for Easter, but I bought a few seed packets anyways, if nothingelse she can get me the calla lily bulbs I spent 20 minutes debating over, and finally decided weren't worth nearly $10 for two. I also added celery to my planting list though I haven't a clue if it will grow here, and I got the cantalope and habenero seeds I forgot last trip, I got seeds for more Jalepenos per James's request too. Then I spotted a soil test kit for $3 and snatched it up saving me a trip to the extention agents office. Also, I was looking at the different varieties of those little green houses and stumbled onto a set of three (72 pots each making 216 little pots) of them for only $8 which ofcourse I got since they wanted $20 for the kind with 72 slots alone and the little pellets that grow. Had to buy the peat moss but that was 1.22 for a 40lb bag so it was no problem. Bringing the grand total of my vegetable garden, counting all my tools, transplants, and seeds from the last trip as well...... $75!
Que the music! Oh yeah!
*happy dance* *happy dance*
LOL... I know I'm rediculous.
Anyways... so then as usual plans changed! ( I should change the title of my blog to that) Low and behold what should I find when I get Emily buckled in and everything loaded into the back of the car (on top of the spare tire, mind you) Yup you guessed it.. My tire's flat! Oh I'm a big girl and all, I can change my own tire, I just never had to do it with Emily (who can't stand to sit quietly in the car unless we're moving) screaming and crying, and I had never attempted to change a flat on my new car I only had experiance with my old truck, (alot of it with that one). Well the problem was very clear, Lowes sells nails as well as gardening supplies. Who would have thought, a home improvement store selling nails? LOL. Well a "silly" son of a "muffin" spilled quite a few of them apparently, and thought it unessesary to pick them up, or even sweep them out of the parking space for that matter. And I had driven right over them. Okay so maybe it wasn't all the muffin man's fault.. but I still say he was "silly" (I didn't say stupid, but "silly"). Well after unloading everything and pouring over the instructions I got the darn thing all changed and the spare on just in time for a quite attractive older man to walk over from where he was standing (almost the whole time) and offer his help. I didn't say he was considerate just attractive lol. and I told him that yes I could use a hand getting the nuts tightened. I may be a big girl but I'm not such a strong one. I might have hurt him when he smiled and said that he was always happy to help a pretty girl, but the darn trowl was buried in the back and the jack would have killed him. So I simply smiled and very calmly rolled the flat tire over his foot on the way to putting it in back of the car. No, he didn't offer to help with that part either, I bid him thanks and told him to have a great day while I was thinking to myself something quite the contrary.
Well after that little adventure Emily and I needed some dirt therepy, it took us a couple of hours and we had a few disagreements over what was edible (milk won - dirt, seeds, and fingers all lost but put up a great fight) but we finally got it all done, now we're, once again, cuddled up with the key board and coco, all done and feeling quite happy and very accomplished.
72 Tomatoes in back, 72 Okra on the side, 36 Habenero peppers and 36 Jalepeneo peppers right up front.

Also, a repeat from my forum post but they're getting put in with my garden so here's the fruit trees & their blooms.
Pear, Peach, and Plum.

Blooms of the pear and peach, in order, no buds on the plum tree yet but it has greenery coming in all over, poor things are getting an early start we still have a few more days of winter to go This weather is messing with everyone it seems.

Better pictures next time James has my camera with him so I was stuck with his, the quality isn't anything to brag about.
More to come! Thanks for reading my ramblings!
-Lily & Emily-

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sharon mc wrote on Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:43 am:

Hi, it's great to see all your gardening work in progress. Here's to an excellent season!

dirt2diamonds wrote on Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:58 am:

Happy dances for everyone! Keep your excitement and continue to enjoy all the joys of gardening. Thanks for sharing.


Netty wrote on Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:19 pm:

Wow Lily, you are going to have enough veggies to open your own veggie stand! Way to go!


glendann wrote on Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:34 am:

Gosh Lilly you and emily had quiet a day and got lots accomplished.You are a fun person.That man needed his foot steped on :)


SongofJoy57 wrote on Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:57 am:

What an adventure!!!

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