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The new garden space...started

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:37 pm

Well I'm so happy because I figured we wouldn't start this until next spring and now I should be able to do some planting next spring and maybe this fall...

Here's some of the new garden space. It's very slow going as my DH works all week and then his second job on weekends. We get a half day here and a full day there but not really enough time to make a huge difference. It's coming along and I'm hopefull we'll be able to move my hydrangea this fall. That is the goal anyway...

This is the yard before, don't look to hard at the grass. It never really came back from all the work we did last year putting in the jungle gym/swing set for DD#2.

We have removed the grass for the area that will be garden and started the wall around the tree. The whole garden will be walled off so you will have to step up to get into it.

This is the block we are using.

The delivery of the rest of the block.

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gardengater wrote on Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:44 pm:

What a great landscaping scheme. It will greatly compliment the playarea and beautify that who.le area in front of the fence. I hope there will be a comfy swing under that tree for grownups to sit and watch the children play.


eileen wrote on Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:56 pm:

Things are certainly coming together nicely. Doesn't it feel good when you can see the results of your hard work coming along and looking good?


Droopy wrote on Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:10 pm:

It looks lovely already, well done so far. I hope you will manage to put some time in and get it done exactly the way you want it.


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:49 pm:

Well T, that's going to be a great little garden. I can already see it's potential.
How nice that you can already begin working on it.

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