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Happy Friday

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:27 pm

It's been a week (almost) since I've been on. Sooooo much catching up to do on the stew. I miss a day and it seems I miss so much. Unfortunately it's been an extremely busy week and with the weather getting warmer and the fact I am looking (harder) for a job I suspect I won't be able to be on as much as I've been. But, I will catch up as I can.

Had a meeting with DH about the new garden space. Seems my budget is not up to par (for my taste anyway) and we'll be taking it really, really slowly. I will still post it's progress, but it's not going to take much shape this year. Will have to do a few things, but the bulk of the work will be next spring (2009). Disappointing for me, but I can't argue.

On another note: I spent yesterday morning out in the existing garden. Doing my spring cleaning, which for me consists of my fall cleaning also. I wish I could do it all in the fall so there wouldn't be so much in the spring, but it just get's so cold here so quickly and once it's cold I just can't get motivated to get out there.

I figure I'll work on a little of the garden as my time permits and about the time I finish it'll be time to start back around with the weeding. Hopefully I will be able to stay on top of the weeding this year. My DD#2 is now 4 and a little more on her own so when we are out I won't need to devote my entire attention on her.

Anyway, hope you all are great. Will post more pics soon. My iris are coming up, but are still aways away from blooming.

Everyone have a great day.

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Droopy wrote on Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:38 pm:

At least the garden won't disappear for you, will it? Look at it from the bright side. You've got another year to plan it to perfection! And you'll still get to play in the dirt.


glendann wrote on Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:29 pm:

It will great to get what you want next Spring.Then it will great.


tschnath wrote on Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:28 pm:

Thanks Droopy and Glendann, I will look on the positive side. Sometimes I have a one track mind and it's hard to go in another direction once I've set my focus.


eileen wrote on Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:29 pm:

Keep that mind of yours on track as the extra time spent planning the garden for spring 2009 will be well spent.


kuntrygal wrote on Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:32 pm:

You will have something to plan and look forward!


tschnath wrote on Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:06 am:

Thanks for the encouragement, all of you. I've got a plan started, but it really does need some work so I guess I really am greatful for the extra time.

You should see the binder I've got put together with all the plants I want. They will never all fit, even though it will be a pretty large space, but I'm having fun and will pick all my favorites to go in the actual garden.

In the mean time, I'll continue to care for and be greatful for the space I've got and I always seem to find a way to add to it. Hey, I figure if there's a little dirt showing it needs a plant. Right?

You all are wonderful people and it's been such fun being on this forum. I look forward to learning so much from you all. I've already learned a lot. And found some beautiful flowers of which some I can have and some I can't.

But I always look forward to getting on to see what everyone has to say.

Thanks to all.

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