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May 16th notes

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 2:18 am

I was out in the yard a lot today. We put up a fence last year behind our DD#2's playset and it's looking pretty crappy back there. Now, keep in mind no one can see it except us and that's only if we walk out to the fence.

I took these in Apr. so the grass still looks bad. This is the fence from the back yard. As you can see, you can't see the other side.

Well, I like to walk back and look beyond the fence, as the birds love it back there. It's kind of a thicket I call it. This is what it looks like today from the back yard.

And behind the fence...

Yuck! Right? Well, today I spread a ton of wild flower seeds all behind there. It's suppose to rain this weekend so I'm hoping it'll get a good soaking.

Who knows what will actually grow, but anything I think will be better than looking at that.

I'll post another pic later in the summer so you can see if anything does grow. Wish me luck!

Last edited: Sat May 17, 2008 2:19 am

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Droopy wrote on Sat May 17, 2008 6:58 am:

Your fence is very nice, and your thicket is looking good. That slope will be covered in no time. I'm told Mother Nature abhors bare dirt and tries to cover it up as quickly as she can, but I'm glad you're helping her a bit.


eileen wrote on Sat May 17, 2008 9:57 am:

I like your back fence and think it looks great. What a good idea sowing wild flower seeds on that slope. I'll look forward to seeing what comes up later in the year.


Sjoerd wrote on Sat May 17, 2008 1:35 pm:

What a neat project Mizz T. I reckon all those seeds need is some moisture and away they'll go...
I always find those mixed seed packs interesting. It's like christmas when they come up.
Great work,,,Waiting with anticipation to see the results od the rain.

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