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Progress on my seedlings

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:44 am

I wanted to post these the other day, but things have been so's crazy. Anyway, now I've caught my breath once again and would like to share.

These are the trays when I first filled them. There's Portaluca (which didn't make it), Impatiens, mixed Petunias along with some pink, lilac and silver ones, Coreopsis and Marigolds. All started on April 24th.

The same trays on May 13th.

And now I've moved them to cups, on May 27th.

I've lost quite a few, but am still happy with what's here. It's looking as though I may loose some more, it's still ok, it's only my 2nd year with seeds and I'm hoping next year will be even better. It's just starting to get warm now so I'm hoping to have them off my dining room table and out on the porch in the next few weeks or so. Wish me luck!

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Droopy wrote on Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:51 am:

Looks like they're coming along nicely! Well done, and good luck with transplanting them.


eileen wrote on Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:35 am:

So many babies!!! I hope they all survive for you. Do you have places for them in your garden and if so do show us photographs when they are planted out. You certainly seem to be doing well with planting seeds this year.


tschnath wrote on Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:15 am:

Eileen, The coreopsis will go in the garden, although I'm not sure where just yet. All the others will go in window boxes, planters and hanging baskets. I may have to also get to the garden center and get some fill ins as I'm not sure I'll be able to fill my spaces with just these. Thank you both for the nice comments. It's always appreciated. :)

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