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The yard space
Posted: 25 Apr 2012 Posted: 19 Apr 2012 Posted: 18 Apr 2012 Posted: 18 Apr 2012 Posted: 15 Nov 2008 All Entries |
My garden (from a distance view)I thought I'd post pics of my garden looking at it from the yard. You always get to see the close ups of just the plants/flowers, but I've never posted from a 'view' perspective before. So here they are: The West side of my house, which is the front. ![]() from another angle. ![]() The South side, which is the side. ![]() The East side, which is the back. ![]() from another angle. ![]() The North side is just drive way and garage so I didn't bother posting that. No plants there yet, sometimes I put a planter next to the garage, but if I'm lazy I may not bother this year. I'll try to remember to post more shots once the flowers start blooming. This blog entry has been viewed 479 times
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You've got a lovely home! If I'm correct you've got the border all around your house except from the north side? It looks so nice and planned.
Thank you for the perspective shots. It´s easy to orient oneself when you are showing and describing the plants that you post. It looks like a very nice set-up there with lots of pössibilities, Can+t wait to see the blooms when they start.
All that space! Fantastic!
You have a lovely property with lots of planting space. I envy you your veranda to sit out on. Now when you tell us that a plant is on the east, west or whatever then we'll know exactly where you mean and will be able to picture it.
Yes, Droopy there is a border. It paver stones. It was well planned, but unfortunately not by me. I did hire a landscaper to come in and he put in the walk way and the garden area. He also planted the tree plants and I've added to it over the years. Actually, I'm still adding and moving stuff all the time.
Thank you all for the nice comments.
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